
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Don't Be So Hard On Yourself.......

There are some days as a parent, that I can't help but wonder "what the heck just happened"?  My daughter and I had one of those moments yesterday.  When I grabbed her hand to leave school, I noticed that she didn't want to grab my hand like normal.  When I looked at the palm of her hand, I found that she had not one but two areas of pencil lead were now embedded into her hand.  When I asked her how it happened, all she answered was "It was an accident".  Mind you, she has become kind of crazy with her pencil since starting Kindergarten and I have found graphite marks on her teeth plus the day that she came home with 5 holes in her shirt from her pencil.  She and I have had many conversations about how pencils only go on paper and every day she doesn't listen I wonder "what am I doing wrong and how do these things continue to happen"?  So, we went home and let her hand soak in a looong bath before digging the lead out of her hand.  Some days I wonder how I survive as a mom of three.  I guess by the grace of God and lots of love 💜.  We all need to know that life will just continue to happen and not to be so hard on ourselves.........

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Find Your Happiness

How do we measure happiness?  I think that is a individual question and we all have or own notions regarding the answer.  Speaking from personal experience, a person can only be "fake happy" for so long.  And I find so many people in life are living with "fake happiness" and not truly living with the internal peace that comes with true happiness.  The real question at hand is how can we all find that true happiness?  I think we need to start living for ourselves and not worrying so much about trying to please or do what others think we should.  Sounds simply easy right?  Not so much..........  But it isn't until we can find that true happiness that we really start loving life fully.  If it scares you to try, then maybe the thought of doing it to teach your children how to really love life will be the push you need to get started working toward it.  I know my kids definitely helped me see the light and find my internal happiness and love my blessed life 😍.

Monday, September 17, 2018

I Truly Am A Blessed Mom..........

"Whatever you are, be a good one" 

- Abraham Lincoln

If there is one thing certain in life, it's that there are no certainties.  Looking back at my life and what I envisioned would happen, only one thing has consistently stayed on track - I would be a mom 💗.  But even that process was much different than what most would consider "normal".  You see, God took me on the most amazing journey.  He blessed me and allowed me to become a mom through the wonderful gift of adoption.  My babies are the love of my life and my reason for living my mom life by the quote - "Whatever you are, be a good one".   I hope you enjoy following the adventures of this "REAL" Blessed Mom!!!!