Sometimes as a parent, you don't always feel like you're doing the best job. But then, sometimes your kids do something that makes you realize that you're not failing. This past week was a rough one for all of us because Tayvia was sick. While I was cheering Tayvia on to take her medicine (Amoxicillin which she does not like), Paxton said the sweetest thing........
Paxton: "Mom, I could give you money to pay for Tayvia's medicine. I got $10 from the Easter Bunny and $5 from my Grandparents so I have $15."
Mom: "Thank you so much for offering buddy but you should keep your money. Mommy works hard to be able to pay for stuff like this."
Paxton: "I know mom that's why you should let me help pay for the medicine so you can save some of your money."
This is just the sweetest thing from the sweetest boy I know! Thank you Paxton for always being so caring and thinking about others more than yourself! I love you and am so grateful to be your mommyπ₯°!
Monday, April 29, 2019
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Sometimes You Want To Throw In The Towel.........
Admit it, we all have those days where we just want to be done with whatever we are doing and go home to sit on the couch :(. The past two days have been like this for me. The kids were not happy to be going back to school on Monday while driving by all the other schools that were off due to the Easter Holiday. I was tired from the lack of sleep I got over the weekend. One of my dental assistants was out sick. When I actually arrived at work on Monday, I found out that our x-ray machine and a couple of our computers were not working (apparently they took off for the Easter Holiday as well)! On Tuesday, Tayvia developed swelling and pain in her neck (a chronic problem) and I had to leave work to go pick her up because she was in a great deal of pain. And a couple of the subcontractors that are working on my office remodel project either didn't show up or didn't complete their portion of the job, therefor delaying everything else..........
I am not complaining, more just demonstrating my daily obstacles (like everyone else has). The important factor that has taken me years to develop is my ability to stay calm through it all and never quit. On Monday the easy solution would have been to just cancel the day. But that's not the best solution for my patients, so I spent two hours figuring out how to fix the problem so I would get my patients the treatment they needed. It's ok to fall, be tired, be discouraged, etc. as long as you always get back up. You may feel broken, wounded, betrayed, ignored, but you ALWAYS need to get back up and keep moving forward. And for me, if there is ever a day that I truly feel like quitting, I just take a look at my three beautiful children and know that quitting is never an option. I need to practice what I preach, and I would never let them quit.
I am not complaining, more just demonstrating my daily obstacles (like everyone else has). The important factor that has taken me years to develop is my ability to stay calm through it all and never quit. On Monday the easy solution would have been to just cancel the day. But that's not the best solution for my patients, so I spent two hours figuring out how to fix the problem so I would get my patients the treatment they needed. It's ok to fall, be tired, be discouraged, etc. as long as you always get back up. You may feel broken, wounded, betrayed, ignored, but you ALWAYS need to get back up and keep moving forward. And for me, if there is ever a day that I truly feel like quitting, I just take a look at my three beautiful children and know that quitting is never an option. I need to practice what I preach, and I would never let them quit.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Easter Blessings
I just want to take a minute to thank God for all of the blessings in my life. The one blessing that still moves me to tears is my kids. How is it possible that I have three amazing adopted children? I can tell you how...... God made three divine interventions and placed these babies with me. So on this first morning after Jesus has risen from the grave, I am so very grateful for everything that has been placed in my life. The blessings, the difficulties, the heartaches, the victories, all of it. Because without all of this, I wouldn't be who and where I am todayππππ.........................................
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Sometimes it's just hard!
Admit it, we all have days when we just don't want to do anymore. Like we just want to be "grounded" and have to spend the day in our room. I have been feeling this way lately, and there are some days when I am not sure how I will get to the end of the day (although God always pulls me through). Sometimes we have a rough day, and sometimes it a rough season. No matter which one you feel or have felt yourself in, it's so important to understand that it won't last forever and to just keep the faith. I always think that whenever I go through a rough patch, God is preparing me for an unbelievable breakthrough. I am ready!
Monday, April 15, 2019
Sometimes your soul is touched.........
I debated going to church yesterday (terrible I know) because I had sooooo much stuff to get done, but God was pressing on my heart to attend and I am sure glad that I did. We have been going through the "Sermon on the Mount" for the past couple months and yesterday we specifically touched on Matthew 6:19-34. The main idea of the sermon revolved around Jesus believing that "life never consists in the abundance of one's possessions". I completely believe this to be true, however I also believe this is hard to follow due to the fact that society today seems to believe the opposite. During church, Pastor Cal asked us three very important questions:
1 - What is the most significant goal in your life?
2 - What makes a person successful?
3 - What will be the measure of how well you've done in life?
Do you know how you would answer these questions? I know that all of my answers revolve around the success and happiness of my friends and family. And I know that when my time on earth comes to an end, the relationships I have fostered and the people I have touched will be what truly matters. Our earthly possessions are only temporary and will be left behind. Use your time and your resources here on earth very wisely. Remember, you are preparing yourself for the Kingdom of Heaven π

1 - What is the most significant goal in your life?
2 - What makes a person successful?
3 - What will be the measure of how well you've done in life?
Do you know how you would answer these questions? I know that all of my answers revolve around the success and happiness of my friends and family. And I know that when my time on earth comes to an end, the relationships I have fostered and the people I have touched will be what truly matters. Our earthly possessions are only temporary and will be left behind. Use your time and your resources here on earth very wisely. Remember, you are preparing yourself for the Kingdom of Heaven π

If you want to watch the full sermon, it is definitely worth your time!!!!!
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Impromptu Friday Breakfast
Some days mom's are crabby too, and Thursday was my day. I have been working an EXTREME amount the past couple weeks and I guess you could say I had just reached burn out. So, after being Momzilla (well at least for me) on Thursday evening, I felt terrible and wanted to do something extra special on Friday morning for the kids before school. Dunkin Donuts was a HUGE success and they all made it to school with full bellies ready to take on their Friday exams. I really am loving being able to do things like this and just enjoy the small things in lifeπ.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
The Evasive Paper Clip............
As you remember, Tayvia had an issue with a paperclip 2 weeks ago which led to her being suspended. I got a call on Monday from the Principal because she wanted to let me know that they found another paper clip in Tayvia's mouth. They were able to retrieve it this time without incident, however they wanted me to talk to her about the dangers of putting a paper clip in her mouth (which I have already done at least 50 times). But I am all about working with the school, so here is how my and Tayvia's phone conversation unfolded.......
Mom: "Hi baby, what's going on"?
Tayvia: "Hi Mama, nothing is going on".
Mom: "Really because the Principal just told me that you were putting a paper clip in your mouth again".
Tayvia: "Well mommy, I wanted to bring a paper clip home for you because I don't think you have enough"
Mom (fighting back hysterical laughter): "Well Tay, I sure appreciate you thinking about Mommy. We have plenty of paper clips at home so let's leave all of your teacher's supplies at school".
Tayvia: "Ok mama, I will leave them here".
Lord have mercy is this girl smooth! I love her ability to think quickly on her feet. I just hope she begins to understand to leave the teacher's things be and not take things from her desk. Keep being yourself Tayvia Rose-we love you just the way you areπΉπ!!!
Mom: "Hi baby, what's going on"?
Tayvia: "Hi Mama, nothing is going on".
Mom: "Really because the Principal just told me that you were putting a paper clip in your mouth again".
Tayvia: "Well mommy, I wanted to bring a paper clip home for you because I don't think you have enough"
Mom (fighting back hysterical laughter): "Well Tay, I sure appreciate you thinking about Mommy. We have plenty of paper clips at home so let's leave all of your teacher's supplies at school".
Tayvia: "Ok mama, I will leave them here".
Lord have mercy is this girl smooth! I love her ability to think quickly on her feet. I just hope she begins to understand to leave the teacher's things be and not take things from her desk. Keep being yourself Tayvia Rose-we love you just the way you areπΉπ!!!
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Mama Bear
Being a mom of bi-racial children has taught me to have some tough skin. To be honest, I don't even notice people's stares anymore. And the ridiculous questions just make us laugh (like when people randomly approach me at the grocery store and say "what country were your children born in"?). But when it comes down to people threatening or hurting my children, that's when the thickness of my skin fades away. For instance, when kids, parents, and coaches from other teams make racial comments and/or target my kids during a sporting event, that's where I draw the line. And it's not just my kids, it's my kids, family, friends and teammates. We have had a couple of instances throughout our sports this year where I had to stand up and say something or walk onto a field to make sure one of our "boys" were not hurt. I can honestly say I don't ever plan to go to jail, but if someone were to intentionally hurt any of my kids, our family, friends, or teammates, that would be the time that I would come closest to seeing the inside of a jail cell. This is something that has always bothered me, and now it hits so close to home. I pray daily the Serenity Prayer to help me see my way during moments such as these......
Monday, April 8, 2019
Let's Volunteer
We spent yesterday morning volunteering at a local elementary school through a church sponsored event. It was so great to see my kids and their friends working away to clean up a school that is in our neighborhood. They got to clean lunchroom tables, outdoor tables, the playground equipment, and rake sand/leaves. Of course there was some playground and basketball playing going on as well! I am so grateful that our church does this event once a year to help our community and also to help our members learn the value of volunteering. So way to go Central Christian Church and everyone who volunteered for the Mobilize event! To my kiddos, here is another reason why I am always so proud of you! Love you three so muchπ!!!
Friday, April 5, 2019
One on One Time.......
As a single mom, I find it difficult yet so important to spend one on one time with my kids. They each have their "things" they like to do alone with me. Kyser wants to cuddle on the couch, Paxton wants to go for bike rides, and Tayvia wants to play Barbies. It is during these moments alone with each of them that I get to learn so much more about what they are thinking and if anything is bothering them. For example, on our most recent bike ride, all of the following things came out of Paxton's mouth π..........
"Mom, my friend has a girlfriend because you know, sometimes in the 3rd grade you just get lucky and you find yourself a girlfriend".
"Oh look over there mom, I see baby ducks. I wonder if any of them are girls because I could sure use a chick".
"Hey mom, don't worry if you don't have a boyfriend. I mean, I am always available (with a wink)π".
This kid cracks me up so many times each day. Thank you Paxton for being my chill, happy, and funny man! I love you more than you will ever knowπ
"Mom, my friend has a girlfriend because you know, sometimes in the 3rd grade you just get lucky and you find yourself a girlfriend".
"Oh look over there mom, I see baby ducks. I wonder if any of them are girls because I could sure use a chick".
"Hey mom, don't worry if you don't have a boyfriend. I mean, I am always available (with a wink)π".
This kid cracks me up so many times each day. Thank you Paxton for being my chill, happy, and funny man! I love you more than you will ever knowπ
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Be Patient
Being patient could possibly be one of the toughest of all God's lessons in life. We live in an instant gratification world, which has increased the difficulty of displaying patience. Sometimes God truly just wants us to "Be Still" and wait for the blessings that he has in store for us. I truly feel that anything worth having is worth waiting for. For instance, I wanted to be a mom 2 years before it actually happened. And each of my kids were so perfectly created for me that it is obvious God had it all planned out and made me wait patiently for their arrival. And I, like so many others, find myself in another period of my life where being patient is difficult because I want things to happen NOW! But daily I have to remind myself not to interfere with God's plan because he once again is working another miracle for my life. So, I will "Be Still" and know that you are God..........
That really is my foot! I struggle so much to "Be Still"
that I had it tattooed on me as a daily reminder!
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Little Miss Tayvia
I love this girl so much! But let me tell you what, she has been testing my patience like none other lately. The newest issue is that she doesn't want to be at school-like at all! So, instead of sitting quietly like her classmates, she talks and is disruptive. Last week, the teacher found a paper clip in her mouth. When the teacher tried to retrieve it from her mouth, Tay was upset so she kicked the teacher. You know what happened next? Tayvia got suspended-from Kindergarten! Does that even happen? So, she had to be picked up early that day and then had to spend the next day and work with both her dad and myself. We took away all the fun stuff-electronics, tv, candy, icees, popsicles, the works. Guess what-she doesn't even care! She told me that if she gets in trouble then she can leave school. Lord help me! So, I have let the school know her tactics and that we need to do everything possible to keep her in line at school so she can't leave. I have a feeling this is only the beginning of my "moments" with her. So, every morning and every night I pray that God will help me through this time and that she will learn how to use her strong will and smarts to move mountains one dayππ»!
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
It's Test Week
This week is a BIG testing week for both of the boys. Here in Arizona, we take AZ MERIT and AIMS tests, but basically they are the standardized tests that are taken across the country to assess how our schools are doing teaching the kids. Paxton dropped a little "hint" last week that some kids might needs notes of encouragement from their parents, so I took this hint seriously. I know that these little people can be intimidated by these BIG tests, so I thought if I am going to do cards, let's do something fun! The boys have tests ALL DAY today, Thursday, and Friday. So, I wrote cards for both Kyser and Paxton for each of those days (so both of the boys will get 3 cards this week). I hope that it will help to reduce their uneasiness about the tests and also give them something fun as a reward for their hard work! Kick some butt this week boys! I love you both so much ππ!!!!
Monday, April 1, 2019
Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose..........
We finished our lacrosse season on Saturday. It was a great season, although the ending was not as we expected. That's right, we lost in the championship gameπ. And although it hurts as a parent to see our kids disappointed because of the loss, it is also preparation for life. I mean really, we need to learn to lose early in life because it will continue to happen again and again. I have lost so many times that I have lost track. But the lesson in losing is perseverance, resilience, and patience. There are seasons in life, and we need to take the losses along with the wins. To be honest, I start to worry when things are going to well, because I know something will eventually happen that will be seen as a loss or disappointment. So to my boys, know that this loss too shall pass, and it will actually make you stronger in the long run. You worked your butts off, you never gave up, and you defended your teammates to the end. I love you Kyser and Paxton and am always so proud of youππ !!!!
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