
Monday, October 15, 2018

We never seem to have enough.........

What the one thing that everyone wants more of and we just never seem to have enough?????  My answer to that is.............. TIME!!!!!  Here's the thing about time that sets it apart from everything else.  You can NEVER get time back-ever!  You can earn more money, make more friends, take more trips, buy more stuff, etc.......  But when it comes to time, the second it's gone, it will never come back.  I fear that too many people take time for granted and think things like "I will do it next time or I will get to that tomorrow".  This my friends is the art of procrastination and in the end, you are just making things worse for yourself.  The other thing about time is how much of it we all waste, and social media has become a huge contributor to this problem.  I have found it ever important to be the gate keeper of my time, how it is spent, who it is spent on, and how to be as efficient as possible in order to not waste away my precious time.  In future posts, I will be sharing how I have worked to because a master of productivity in order to get everything done in the least amount of time!  Happy Monday :)

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