
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Mornings can be rough 😩

As we all know, mornings can be rough 😩!  And have you noticed that as the week goes on, it gets a bit tougher each day to get out of bed?  This morning was no exception in our house!  Like usual, I woke up all of the kids very gently with a kiss and a back rub.  After giving them 5 minutes to get out of bed, I went back and woke them all up for a second time.  The boys woke up this time, but when I went back to check on Tayvia, I found her lying on her couch and this was how the conversation played out........

Mommy: "Tayvia, why are you on your couch and not up yet?"

Tayvia: "Mommy, it's not time to wake up yet?"

Mommy: "Yes it is time to get up Tay.  I have asked you 2x to get up already."

Tayvia: "I know you are just tricking me mom because it's still dark outside.  We do not have to get up yet."

Mommy: "Honey it's winter, we have been waking up in the dark for the past 2 months."

Tayvia: "But why would you do that to us mommy?"


As you call tell, she is not a morning person.  When she was littler and I tried to wake her up she would look at me with closed eyes and say "I can't get up because my eyes are not working"!  This girl kills me most days!!!  Thank you Tayvia Rose for always keeping me on my toes and being totally honest all of the time.  I love you baby girl 😘

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