
Sunday, March 3, 2019

This Warms My Heart ๐Ÿ’™

I cannot explain how much it warms my heart to watch my boys growing up together.  They are only 11 months apart in age.  As I look back at the decision to adopt 2 babies in less than a year, it truly seems like complete insanity.  I was a 3rd year dental student when Kyser was born (right before Christmas) and a 4th year dental student when Paxton was born (right before Thanksgiving).  What in the world was I thinking?  You know what, I wasn't thinking.  I was simply walking by faith and I knew that God had a plan that was greater than my wildest dreams.  I mean, who is so blessed to adopt 2 amazing little boys in less than a year?  That's right - this all happened because it was all part of God's divine plan.  Don't get me wrong, the argue ad fight like any siblings would, but they truly are each others best friends.  If one of them were to be picked on by someone else, the other brother would be the first one helping to defend.  And as the years go by and I get to see my boys getting closer and closer, it makes my heart smile ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ˜.  It's especially fun watching them play sports together.  They are both getting so big and handsome.  I am the luckiest mama on the planet!

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